

Authorized UPS Distributors / Partners

Authorized Lead Acid Batteries Distributors / Partners

Authorized Lithium Batteries Distributors / Partners


Solar batteries are products of revolutionary innovations. They are rechargeable that couple a solar cell with a battery-powered storage. This helps you enjoy not just the harnessed solar energy for the moment but use it for a later time, with an all-around green and clean consumption. Solar energy would be deemed inefficient without an effective battery storage system as we would be able to use solar energy only during the presence of sunlight and not otherwise. The introduction of solar batteries has given the entire domain of solar energy systems a game-changing breakthrough.

Livguard Solar and Sakthi have been authorized UPS and Lead Acid Batteries distributors, and Amperehour has emerged as an authorized Lithium battery partner with Sun-AP EcoPower. These companies with their effective range of products have been in collaboration with Sun-AP EcoPower for creating milestones in Solar Industry.


How do solar panels work?

Solar panels consist of many small photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electrical energy. Thus one can enjoy electricity without worrying about the bills. Solar panels consist of a group of small cells made from semiconductor material. When the sun’s light falls on the modules, it excites the electrons, thereby creating direct current (DC). The DC power flows to an inverter where the DC power is transformed into Alternating Current (AC) power. This AC power is what the electric grid and your home runs on. The power or energy then flows to power your home or directly to the electric grid. You can also divert the energy from solar panels to a battery to store excess energy. Batteries also operate as DC power.

What is a solar inverter?

An inverter simply inverts power from Alternating Current (AC) to Direct Current (DC) or DC to AC power. A solar inverter inverts DC power generated from the solar panel to AC power and helps move the power to your home or the electric grid. It is placed at the back of the solar panel.

How is a Microinverter different from string inverters?

Microinverters are another version of inverters that function with a parallel architecture panel compared to serially arranged inverters. Thus, they require lesser space than regular string inverters. They are also efficient in producing higher output even in shaded areas which are not possible otherwise where shade affects productivity.

String Inverters, on the other hand, all the energy from your solar panels travels to a single source, where it gets converted into AC. These large inverters get installed next to the utility meter. It is approximately the size of a wall-mounted water heater.

String inverters convert the total energy based on the lowest-performing panel. So, all panels must generate at similar levels for the most energy to be gained from the system. If one panel is 30% shaded, you will only receive 70% of your total system’s possible production.

Can the UPS batteries be charged by the PV system, assuming the current is suitable?

It is recommended that the PV system (and its inverter) be fed to the UPS input so the UPS directly controls the battery recharging. In the future, this may not be necessary, but in these early applications, it is important to have control over the rate of charge for the UPS batteries

What is a hybrid inverter?

Hybrid inverters combines power from on-grid and off-grid inverters into a single controlling equipment that effectively manages power from solar panels, solar batteries and utility grid at the same time.

What is net metering?

Net metering is a system that uses a credit solar energy system to be fed to the Grid where the system is linked to. With net metering, you only pay for the electricity that you use beyond what energy your panels generate.

How on-grid solar system works?

In a grid-tie solar system, the solar inverter is connected to the AC power grid. When the solar radiation hits the solar panels' surfaces, they produce direct current electricity, called DC. Then the solar inverter will convert this DC electricity to AC electricity which runs our household appliances and other loads. The more the sun shines, the more DC electricity is produced and converted to AC. When excess electricity is produced, it is sent back to the main electric power grid allowing other customers to utilise it.

How does solar impact my property values?

Research and studies have shown that homes which have solar energy systems are more valuable and sell for more value than homes without them. However, your property value will only increase if you own, rather than lease, your solar panel system. In most parts of any country, installing a solar system will actually increase the property value more than house renovation.

Will I have a drastic reduction in bills with Solar Energy Shift?

Solar energy has proven to be cost effective according to the World Economic Forum (WEF). Installing new panels and maintaining them are much cheaper than investing in coals, natural gas and fossil fuels.

Is it expensive to maintain the solar power system?

It is very easy to maintain the solar panels. They require very minimal maintenance. The only common maintenance seen is in cleaning the panels from dirt and dropping, which is also not on a regular basis.

Will there be power transmission back to the solar panels through the meter?

No, since most solar meters function unidirectionally, there is no energy transmission back to the solar apparatus.

Why should I consider energy storage for my residential solar system?

Battery storage will complement your solar PV system by storing excess solar energy in the day that usually would be sent to the grid, instead, the stored energy that was stored during the day can be used in the evening, leading to more savings.

What are the factors that determine the capacity of a storage battery?

Factors that determine the capacity of a storage battery are the battery's end voltage, discharge current, and temperature. These are some prime factors along with other miscellaneous factors that differ on the size and variants of solar power systems installed.

Are solar panels an expensive alternative?

The idea of installation of Solar panels would be refused just thinking about the initial costs for material and system. But, with research and development over time, especially in the past 10 years, solar panels are getting more economically friendly and feasible day by day.

Can we change or add any elements to solar panels?

Yes, you can add or alter solar panels to your existing setups. With the right technical expertise and support, the best prices and services for upsizing solar panels can be made. Get in touch with Sun-AP EcoPower for all your queries and service assistance.

How frequently should I clean my Solar Panels?

Solar Panels tend to get dirty or soiled with dust or bird droppings. However, they function well even in the case of a minimal layer of dust. Rainfall and wind act as natural cleaning agents and a manual cleaning is not necessary. A drop of 10-15% in the output of energy, would require you to consider cleaning the panels.

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